



Certification of Oil burning appliances and Woody biomass burning appliances and associated parts

With regard to oil burning appliances and their associated parts, we perform the rational and efficient certification that is required under the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) as the relevant inspection standard. This standard is a “comprehensive and integrated” certification system that complies with “the characteristics of the special nature of oil burning appliances.”The system is based on the results of type test covering all items defined in JIS as well as approval of tests that may sometimes be performed by the applicants for certification.

For certification, see Certification System Figure.

Certification of Fuel Cell Power Systems

The inspection standard which apply the contents of Japanese Industrial Standard(JIS) is used.
Certification is conducted by the result of type test and factory production control.


Conformity inspection on Consumer Product Safety Law

We perform the conformity inspection of lighter which is special specified products as registered conformity inspection body on Consumer Product Safety Law.

Certification of the electrical parts of a warm Air Circulator

We perform certifications for warm air furnaces (open type forced ventilating oil burning space heaters (fan heaters)and other appliances with forced air circulation) as defined under the Electrical Appliance and Materials Safety Law.This is achieved by applying voltage standards and insulation resistance tests in accordance with the “Inspection Standard on the Electrical Parts of Oil burning appliances.”The standards comply with the technical standards prescribed in the abovementioned law.

Certification of Water supply Arrangements used in Oil Burning Appliances

In the case of Water Supply systems that are connected directly to the city water supply, for example those used in Oil burning water heaters for domestic use and fuel cell systems etc, the following applies. We perform certifications based on the results of inspections of seepage performance and pressure withstanding tests in accordance with the inspection standards of the“Ministerial Ordinance on the Standards for the Structure and Materials of Water Supply Appliances.” The“Guidelines on the Operations of Third Party Certification Organizations Related to Water Supply Appliances” are also applied.

Certification System Figure of Water Supply Equipment

Certification of the Fireproof Performance of Burning Appliances that Burn Liquid Fuels and Woody Biomass Fuels

We perform certifications by applying both standard andspecific combustion tests using the regulations of the Fire and Disaster Management Agency as the inspection standards.
This procedure is to assure appliance safety in terms of fire prevention as defined in the fire fighting related laws that apply to the reduction of distances between flammable objects (safe operating distances) and burning appliances or fuel cell power systems.

Drafting and Proposal of Industrial Standards

We make drafts of industrial standards related to burning appliances for submission to the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry in accordance with requirements of the Industrial Standardization Act.

Research and Testing

We conduct surveys and research into various subjects including environmental standards, next-generation housing, and energy systems in collaboration with other organizations concerned.
The results of these research are reflected in the inspection standards and the drafts for industrial standards,and also supplied to the organizations concerned as technical information.

Undertaking requested tests

Our business operations include undertaking of testsrequested by applicants for certification, consumers,etc, in which we can make use of our accuracy-guaranteed inspection and test facilities, equipment, technology and expertise. We also perform tests requested by the police and fire departments for identifying the cause of accidents, acting as an accident cause identification organization as defined by the Product Liability Law.

Assessment / certification of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

ISO9001・ISO14001の認証We offer assessment and certification services for management systems as defined in ISO9001 and environmental management systems as defined in ISO14001 by fully considering the needs of the assessed organizations.


Testing based on the Industrial Standardization Act

According to the Industrial Standardization Act, we are authorized by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to be a designated certification testing operator, and to conduct associated operations.
